If you are in a crisis or emergency or require emergency assistance, call your local emergency number or go to your nearest emergency room.
Welcome to EPAN Cares – a group of EPAN volunteers that are here to assist and help – with complete confidentiality.
EPAN Cares offers a list of resources and guidance those seeking support from around Europe. Please feel free to use this resource as necessary.*
This support net is still currently being expanded.
You may reach us via CARES@prideinaviation.org
*Disclaimer: The guidance and advice provided by the EPAN Cares Team are for informational purposes only and are not meant to serve as clinical of any nature, and should not take the place of seeking a therapist, nor are they intended to treat any medical/mental health conditions. The information obtained from this website should not be considered a substitute for a medical/mental health evaluation by a licensed professional.
Austria Suicide Prevention Resources
Dial 147
National emergency numbers: Dial 133 for police, 144 for an ambulance, and 122 for the fire brigade
Telefon Seelsorge
Dial 142 for 24/7 crisis support
For online chat support, visit Telefon Seelsorge’s website; available from 5 pm to 10 pm Central European Time
Belgium Suicide Prevention Resources
Centrum Ter Preventie Van Zelfdoding
Phone: 1813
National emergency number: 101
Zelfmoord 1813
Dial 1813 for 24/7 crisis support
For online chat support, visit Zelfmoord’s website; available from 6:30 pm to 10 pm Central European Time
Linka bezpečí
Phone: 116 111
Pražská linka důvěry
Phone: 222 580 697
Linka důvěry Ostrava
Phone: 596 618 908
Phone: 737 267 939
Linka duševní tísně Most
Phone: 476 701 444
Skype: ldt.most
Linka důvěry DKC
Phone: 241 484 149
Skype: ld_dkc
Linka bezpečí
Phone: 116111 (children and youth)
Denmark Suicide Prevention Resources
National emergency number: 112
Helpline 1813
Dial 1813 for 24/7 crisis support
Phone: 70 201 201
Phone: 116 111 (Child Helpline is open daily from 11:00-23:00.)
France Suicide Prevention Resources
National emergency number: 112
Suicide Écoute
Dial 01 45 39 40 00 for 24/7 crisis support
SOS Suicide Phénix
Dial 01 40 44 46 45 for phone support between 1 pm and 11 pm Central European Time
Germany Suicide Prevention Resources
National emergency number: 112
Dial 0800 111 0 111 for 24/7 crisis support
For chat or email support, visit TelefonSeelsorge’s website
Ireland Suicide Prevention Resources
National emergency number: 112 or 999
The Samaritans
Dial 116 123 for 24/7 mental health support
Mental Health Ireland
Crisis Text Line
24/7 text support: Text HOME to 50808
Phone: Free call within Israel: 1201
Phone: Out of Israel: 972-76-8844400
SAHAR (Emotional support chat line)(Hebrew)
SAHAR (Emotional support chat line)(Arabic)
Telefono Azzurro
Phone: 19696
Telefono Amico
Phone: 199 284 284
National emergency numbers: 112
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Dial 717 003 717 for 24/7 crisis support
Lietuvos emocinės paramos tarnybų asociacija
Vaikų linija (Child line)
Phone: 116 111
Jaunimo linija (Youth line)
Phone: 8 800 28888
Vilties linija (Hope line)
Phone: 116 123
Email: 116123@viltieslinija.lt
Pagalbos moterims linija (Women’s line)
Phone: 8 800 66366
Email: pagalba@moteriai.lt
Linija Doverija (Support for Russian-speaking clients)
Phone: 8 800 77277
SOS Détresse – Hëllef iwwer Telefon
Phone: 454545
Phone: 116 111
SOS voz amiga
Phone: 213 544 545 / 912 802 669 / 963 524 660 (Daily from 15h30 to 00h30)
National emergency number: 112
Mind Självmordslinjen
Dial 90101 for 24/7 phone support; in cases of acute crisis, call 112
For online chat support, visit Självmordslinjen’s website
National emergency number: 112
Die Dargebotene Hand
Dial 143 for 24/7 mental health support
For online chat support between 10 am and 10 pm, vist Die Dargebotene Hand’s website
National emergency number: 999 or 112
The Samaritans
Dial 116 123 for 24/7 mental health support
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Dial 0800 58 58 58 for crisis support; available between 5 pm and midnight, BST or GMT
Crisis Text Line
24/7 text support: Text HOME to 85258